Swayon Bhunia @2023 : Maheswari ma’am is not just a proctor!!

Dear readers, I feel so lucky to have such a nice, caring, professional as well as very powerful proctor Maheswari mam during my bachelor’s journey in Computer Science and Engineering at VIT from 2019-2023. Okay, so the reason I chose the word " powerful " is that, in VIT, your proctor will be in charge of saving your life if you make any mistakes. I was a really bad student who made dumb mistakes. I made a lot of blunders at college, like skipping classes and arriving late to the residence hall, but I still recall that I failed the comprehensive exam in my last year. So, after that, we have to send an email to our HOD to inform them about our exam status which I did. However I made a mistake by repeatedly sending the information to the incorrect email ten times in a row. My HOD severely scolded me and told me to wait for the reexamination in the next semester, which would create a six-month delay in my B.Tech degree. This was after the final list was released, on wh...